12 tips to mastering Kotlin Coroutines

Artem Asoyan
2 min readMar 5, 2025


1. Always Use Structured Concurrency

Launch coroutines within a lifecycle-aware scope like viewModelScope or lifecycleScope to automatically cancel work when the UI (e.g., Activity/Fragment) is destroyed. No more memory leaks.

viewModelScope.launch {  
// Coroutine dies automatically if the ViewModel is cleared

2. Prefer withContext Over async for Single Operations

For a single background task, use withContext instead of async-await. It’s simpler and avoids unnecessary boilerplate:

suspend fun fetchData(): Data = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {  
// Network call or DB operation

3. Use async Only for Parallel Tasks

When you need multiple independent operations to run concurrently, use async and await their results together:

val userDeferred = async { fetchUser() }  
val postsDeferred = async { fetchPosts() }
val (user, posts) = awaitAll(userDeferred, postsDeferred)

4. Never Use GlobalScope

GlobalScope lives for the entire app lifecycle and can cause memory leaks. Always tie coroutines to a lifecycle-aware scope (see Tip #1).

5. Switch Dispatchers Wisely

  • Dispatchers.Main: UI updates.
  • Dispatchers.IO: Network, DB, or file operations.
  • Dispatchers.Default: CPU-heavy work (e.g., sorting, parsing).
    Avoid hardcoding dispatchers—inject them for easier testing.

6. Handle Exceptions Gracefully

Use try/catch or a CoroutineExceptionHandler to avoid crashes:

val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->  
Log.e("CoroutineError", "Caught: $exception")
viewModelScope.launch(handler) {
// Risky code here

CoroutineExceptionHandler suits more for edge-cases or global handlers on top of a try/catch

7. Cancel Coroutines Properly

  • Cancel manually with job.cancel() if needed.
  • Check for cancellation with ensureActive() in long-running tasks
suspend fun heavyWork() {  
repeat(100) { i ->
ensureActive() // Throws if coroutine is cancelled
// Do work

8. Use SupervisorJob for Independent Child Coroutines

A SupervisorJob ensures a failing child coroutine doesn’t cancel its siblings (useful in UIs where one failed operation shouldn’t break others):

val scope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.Main)

9. Test Coroutines with runTest

Use Kotlin’s kotlinx-coroutines-test library to avoid flaky tests:

fun testFetchData() = runTest {
val data = repository.fetchData()
assertEquals(expectedData, data)

10. Debounce User Input with Flows

Use Flow to handle rapid UI events (e.g., search bars) efficiently:

.debounce(300) // Wait 300ms after last input
.flatMapLatest { query ->
.collect { results ->

11. Avoid Blocking Calls

Replace Thread.sleep() with delay(), which suspends without blocking the thread:

// ✅ Good  

// ❌ Bad

12. Use coroutineScope for Scoped Parallelism

Need parallel tasks inside a suspend function? Wrap them with coroutineScope to ensure all children complete before returning:

suspend fun fetchAllData() = coroutineScope {  
val data1 = async { fetchFromSource1() }
val data2 = async { fetchFromSource2() }
combineData(data1.await(), data2.await())


Enable coroutine debugging in Android Studio by adding -Dkotlinx.coroutines.debug to your VM options. Track coroutine names and statuses in logs!

What’s your favorite coroutine hack? Share below! 👇



Artem Asoyan
Artem Asoyan

Written by Artem Asoyan

Head Of Mobile, Android Tech/Team Leader, Career mentoring. 12+ years in software development #MobiusConference2023 #PodlodkaAndroidCrew1 #Leetcode (0.4%)

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