Kotlin for Seniors: 3 Powerful Features You Should Know! 🚀

Artem Asoyan


Kotlin is packed with powerful features that make development smooth, expressive, and concise. Today, let’s dive into three cool Kotlin features that can make your code more elegant and readable: DSLs with infix functions, the invoke operator, and delegation with by.

Let's go! 🏎️

Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) with Infix Functions 📜

One of Kotlin’s most powerful capabilities is creating DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages). DSLs allow you to write more readable, declarative code that feels natural. Kotlin’s infix functions make DSLs even cleaner!

class HtmlBuilder {
private val content = StringBuilder()

infix fun add(text: String) {

override fun toString(): String = content.toString()

fun html(init: HtmlBuilder.() -> Unit): HtmlBuilder {
val builder = HtmlBuilder()
return builder

fun main() {
val myHtml = html {
add "<h1>Hello, Kotlin DSL!</h1>"
add "<p>This is a paragraph.</p>"

👆 Here, the add function is infix, making the DSL look clean and readable.

The invoke Operator 🔥

In Kotlin, functions are first-class citizens, but did you know you can make objects callable like functions? Enter the invoke operator!

class Greeter(val greeting: String) {
operator fun invoke(name: String) = "$greeting, $name!"

fun main() {
val sayHello = Greeter("Hello")
println(sayHello("Kotlin")) // Outputs: Hello, Kotlin!

This trick is especially useful in DSLs and higher-order functions. It lets you call instances as if they were functions!

Delegation with by 🔄

Delegation propeties:

import kotlin.properties.Delegates

class User {
var name: String by Delegates.observable("Unknown") { _, old, new ->
println("Name changed from $old to $new")

fun main() {
val user = User()
user.name = "Artem" // Prints: Name changed from Unknown to Artem
user.name = "Alex" // Prints: Name changed from Artem to Alex

Class delegation

interface Logger {
fun log(message: String)

class ConsoleLogger : Logger {
override fun log(message: String) = println("Logging: $message")

class App(logger: Logger) : Logger by logger

fun main() {
val app = App(ConsoleLogger())
app.log("Hello, Delegation!")

💡 Here, App doesn’t need to implement log()—it delegates it to ConsoleLogger!

Wrapping Up 🎁

Kotlin is full of expressive and powerful features that can make your code more concise and elegant.

Which feature is your favorite? Let me know in the comments! 👇

💌folow me for more :)



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